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8 benefits of New Windows

8 Benefits of New Windows

Get the biggest bang for your home improvement buck.

  1. Increased home value. New windows can return homeowners 71 to 78 percent of the project cost upon resale.
  2. Enhanced safety and security. Windows that don’t open easily or are painted shut are more than just an annoyance – they can be a safety hazard, for example when trying to escape during a fire.
  3. Reduced dust and allergens.  Blinds and shades tucked between the panes of glass stay protected from dust, helping to reduce allergens in your home.
  4. Improved comfort. Energy-efficient, well-sealed windows can help reduce cold drafts and hot spots in your home.
  5. Improved energy efficiency. New windows can reduce wear on your furnace and air conditioner, helping you save money by improving your home’s energy efficiency.
  6. More peace and quiet. Insulating frames and triple-pane glass help reduce the noise from traffic, lawn mowers and barking dogs.
  7. An enhanced view. New windows can dramatically improve the beauty of your home – inside and out.
  8. Less time spent cleaning. Today’s windows are designed with convenient features like sashes that tilt inwards – making it easier to clean places that used to be hard to reach.